The 2019 Bantam & Junior League ice hockey season starts next week with practices! The combined practices will be held on Tuesday nights at Avondale and Thursday nights at Botany.
These will take place as follows:
Tuesday 2nd April: 6:45pm – 8:15pm at Avondale
Thursday 4th April: 6:45pm – 8:15pm at Botany
Tuesday 9th April: 6:45pm – 8:15pm at Avondale
Thursday 11th April: 6:45pm – 8:15pm at Botany
There will then be a two week break over the school holidays with the first games held on Monday 29th April.
Sunday morning practices will not start until early May. We will send you more information about this closer to the time.
A team draft will be held soon and once completed the full schedule and team rosters will be entered on
If you have any questions, please contact