Registrations for the 2025 Bantam & Junior Leagues are now open.
We are pleased to announce that registrations for our 2025 playing leagues are now open!
Who Can Play?
Bantam League: Players must remain under 15 for the entire calendar year of the season. However, if this means you miss out (eg: born late in the year) special dispensation may apply to allow you to play in this league. Please email to request more information about this.
Junior League: Players must remain under 18 for the entire calendar year of the season. However, if this means you miss out (eg: born late in the year) special dispensation may apply to allow you to play in this league. Please email to request more information about this.
Playing Fees:
With our registration system, all payments will be processed via credit card or debit card, and should you choose an instalment plan, the amount shown below will automatically come off your credit card on the specified due date. You will be emailed a few days prior to the instalment date to remind you that this will occur.
2025 Playing fees can be paid in bulk or instalments, with options as below:
- AIHA Registration Fee – Due at time of registration: $90.00 ($130.00 if paid after 16th February 2025)
- NZIHF Registration Fee – Due at time of registration: $55.00
- Deposit – Due at time of registration: $79.00
- Ice Fee Instalment 1 – Due 15th April 2025: $179.00
- Ice Fee Instalment 2 – Due 15th May 2025: $179.00
- Ice Fee Instalment 3 – Due 15th June 2025: $179.00
- Ice Fee Instalment 4 – Due 15th July 2025: $179.00
- Ice Fee Instalment 5 – Due 15th August 2025: $179.00
- Ice Fee Instalment 6 – Due 15th September 2025: $179.00
Season Information:
The 2025 Bantam & Junior League practices will start in April, with games starting after the term 1 school holidays (we will communicate the exact dates closer to this time), and will be structured as below.
Bantam & Junior League Games:
Monday Nights: Bantam & Junior League games at both rinks
Bantam League Practice:
Tuesday Nights at Avondale: On ice practice 6:45pm – 7:45pm
Thursday Nights at Botany: On ice practice 6:45pm – 7:45pm
Junior League Practice:
Tuesday Nights at Avondale: On-ice practice 8:00pm – 9:00pm
Thursday Nights at Botany: On-ice practice 8:00pm – 9:00pm
Combined Practice:
Sunday mornings at Avondale: 8:00am – 10:00am
Sunday mornings at Botany: 8:30am – 10:30am
Combined practices will alternate between both rinks
The full schedule will be available on our scheduling website prior to the season starting – click here
We need referees! Without referees we cannot run games and we have been running pretty thin on the bench over recent seasons. Refereeing is a paid role, so if you would like to try on the stripes and engage with the game in a different way, join the “third team!” We will train you and get you up to speed in no time! Contact for more information.
Teams & Rosters:
Teams and rosters will be named closer to the start of the season launch, once registrations have been processed.
Under 9 and Under 12 Super League Registrations:
If you have a child that plays in the Super League, you can register them at the same time. Read more here:
Questions / More Information:
If you have any questions or require more information, please email and we’ll get back to you.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs:)
Why am I paying money to the New Zealand Ice Hockey Federation (NZIHF) during registration?
All regional/club ice hockey registrations in New Zealand have a component which is paid to the New Zealand Ice Hockey Federation (NZIHF), as the governing body for ice hockey in NZ. If you have previously played ice hockey at AIHA or any other NZ club, you have already been paying this amount, however it has likely been bundled in to one “registration” fee shown on previous registration programmes. With the move to our new registration programme, this amount is now shown as a separate line item and is paid directly to the NZIHF.
AIHA charges a registration fee to help cover league administration costs such as goals, pucks, referees, linesman, score bench and other operational expenses. As of 2023, the two are now shown as separate line items.
But who is the NZIHF and what do they do for me? Why do I have to pay this amount?
The NZIHF is the governing body for ice hockey activity in New Zealand. The registration fee you pay contributes to the running of the NZIHF. The NZIHF helps fund ice hockey at all levels throughout New Zealand, including helping fund regional clubs, donation of gear/equipment, funding and support of national (NZIHL and representative teams) and international representative teams. This registration fee helps to grow and develop the sport of ice hockey in New Zealand.
How will fees be paid?
Fees will be paid by the player to AIHA in the same format as previous years, split across instalments. With the new registration system, all payments will be processed via credit/debit card, and should you choose an instalment plan, the amount shown below will automatically come off your credit/debit card on the specified due date. You will be emailed a few days prior to the instalment date to remind you that this will occur.
I don't have a credit/debit card - how can I register and pay for my fees?
Our registration data has shown only a very small amount of people choose to pay via bank transfer. We strongly encourage all members to pay their fees via credit/debit card as it automates your fee payments, meaning after you register, you don’t have to log in to your account constantly to manually pay fees.
If you do not have a credit/debit card and wish to pay via bank transfer, please email and we will make suitable arrangements for you.