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AIHA COVID-19 Update – 14th September 2020

By September 14, 2020September 21st, 2020No Comments

Updated 21st September:


Dear Members,

Today’s announcement by the Government confirmed that Auckland will remain at level “2.5” for at least another 9 days. Level “2.5” restricts gatherings to limits of 10, meaning at this time, we cannot yet return to our normal scheduled ice hockey activities.

The Government has advised they will meet on Monday 21st September and provide an update after this time. It is expected that provided it is safe to do so, the Government will downgrade the Alert Level status within Auckland to Alert Level 2 (100 person gathering restriction), or (somewhat more unlikely) Alert Level 1 (no gathering restrictions). If the Government chooses to go ahead with a downgrade in Alert Levels, this will come in to effect at 12:01am Thursday 24th September.

Provided a downgrade to Alert Levels 2 or 1 is announced on Monday 21st September, and that this downgrade comes in to effect at 12:01am Thursday 24th September, it is our intention to recommence the season of scheduled ice hockey activity from Thursday 24th September.

We are hard at work putting together a schedule and as soon as we can lock things in based on the Alert Level downgrades, we will publish this schedule online.

We’ve been saying it a lot recently, but we mean it – thank you for your patience, understanding and support during this time. We are working hard to resume ice hockey as soon as we can do so safely, and will continue to provide updates as we can.