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AIHA COVID-19 Update – 4th September 2020

By September 4, 2020September 14th, 2020No Comments

Updated 14th September: Read the latest update here:


Dear Members,

The AIHA Board of Directors met this evening to discuss today’s latest announcement by the Government, regarding the COVID-19 Alert Levels in Auckland.

As of writing, the Alert Level status in Auckland is as follows:

  • Auckland to remain at Alert Level “2.5” until at least Wednesday 16th September, 11:59pm.
    • During this time, a mass gathering limit of 10 people will be in place within Auckland
  • On Monday 14th September, the Government will meet to discuss changes to the Alert Levels. If a decrease to the Alert Level 1 is approved, this will come in to effect on Thursday 17th September, 12:01am.

Given the mass gathering restrictions currently in place, it is not yet possible to resume our normal scheduled activities at full capacity/attendance numbers.

AIHA has numerous ice times booked throughout the early to mid-September Alert Level 2.5 period and has been advised by Sport NZ that it is possible to utilise these ice times in compliance with the current COVID-19 Alert Level guidelines, albeit in a different format to normal. The AIHA Board of Directors agreed to adopt this decision and to resume some limited scheduled activity for its members.

As such, we will shortly be in contact with participants of each age bracket/league, with more information about what this limited scheduled activity will look like. Attendance numbers for these events will be limited in compliance with the current Alert Level guidelines, and pre-registration will be required for all participants.

Our intention is to resume some ice hockey activity for our members, while maintaining a high standard of health and safety and adhering to the Alert Level guideline restrictions.

Finally, we are currently hard at work to produce a schedule which allows for a full resumption of all leagues, as soon as we are able to resume normal ice hockey activity. Based on the latest information provided by the Government, the earliest we can return to Alert Level 1 is 12:01am Thursday 17th September. If this does indeed go ahead, our intention as of writing is to resume normal scheduled activities from Thursday 17th September.

We continue to thank you for your patience and understanding during this time. We are working hard to resume ice hockey as soon as we can do so safely, and will continue to provide updates as we can.