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AIHA Information Update on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

By May 15, 2020No Comments

15th May 2020

AIHA Information Update on Coronavirus (COVID-19) & Return to Play

Dear Members,

Prior to the season starting in March, AIHA made the decision to postpone all our events until June and revisit this decision in May. Given the positive trend surrounding COVID-19 and the nationwide move to Alert Level 2, this remains our position and we are optimistic that ice hockey will return in June.

During this time, we have maintained a close relationship with Sport New Zealand who have provided ongoing support and advice. Under the current guidelines for community sport, the maximum gathering number is 10 people, this gathering number will be reviewed on Monday 25th May.

We are eager to get back to the rink and start ice hockey again. Our main focus will continue to be on the safety of our members and their families. A return to the rink will look different than what we were all used to pre COVID-19.

What we do not want to happen is to spark another outbreak of COVID-19 and consequently all the safety measures that will be put in place when we return to ice hockey will be there to combat this. We ask that you are patient and understanding with the processes that are developed.

Our return will not all be done in one large step; it will be broken down into pieces so we can best ensure that our safety measures are well practiced and efficient before returning to full capacity.

This balanced approach of returning to the rink will ensure that we can continue to provide the best and safest sporting experience to all our members.

Health and Safety measures for each league and age group are being developed now. We will have this information available to everyone prior to the start of your respective programmes.

We are excited and encouraged that ice hockey will return soon and we look forward to seeing everyone back at the rink in the very near future. Until then, Paradice will have their public sessions running very soon. We urge all our members to get out for a skate at Avondale or Botany when it is possible.

Through this period, we advise all our members to visit the below websites regularly, and to follow their guidance on reducing exposure risk:


Kind Regards,

Auckland Ice Hockey Association


For COVID-19 health advice and information, contact the Healthline team (for free) on:

0800 358 5453
 +64 9 358 5453 for international SIMS.

Or visit the Ministry of Health website: https://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/diseases-and-conditions/covid-19-novel-coronavirus