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By August 11, 2020August 14th, 2020No Comments

Update 14th August: Read the latest update here: https://www.aiha.org.nz/covid-19-announcement-14th-august-nzihl-showdown-series/


We are writing to you regarding the Government’s announcement this evening regarding COVID-19 Level 3 Lockdown in Auckland.

Following the directive from the New Zealand Government, effective immediately, we have made the following changes to the NZIHL Showdown Series:

Thursday 13th August:
NZIHL Showdown Series Game 1 at Botany – POSTPONED – replacement date TBC

We will make an announcement regarding the remaining 3 NZIHL Showdown Series games on Monday 17th August, at which time we will also provide further information about the re-scheduling of any/all game(s) affected by the return to level 3 lockdown.

Any tickets you hold currently will remain valid for any rescheduled games.

We ask for your understanding and patience during this time as we work through this developing announcement.