Who we are:
The aim of the AIHA is to develop, promote and administer the sport of Ice Hockey at all competitive, representative, social and learner levels, within the Auckland region.
The club has a membership of around 800, ranging from 4 year old Learn-to-Play novices, through to 60+ Senior Non Check players.
Athough Ice Hockey has been played in Auckland since the first ice rink was built in the 1970’s, AIHA can trace its origins back to the Auckland Ice Hockey Council, established in July 1987. The name was changed to Auckland ice Hockey Association Inc in March 1994.
The Auckland Ice Hockey Association (AIHA) in an incorporated society, under The Incorporated Societies Act (1908) and has the Incorporated Societies Number 347347.
The Auckland Ice Hockey Association is governed by a Board, which is elected at the Annual General Meeting. The activities of the club and the board are directed by the club constitution.
Special Thanks:
The Auckland Ice Hockey Association wishes to express their sincerest thanks to The Trust Community Fund and Pub Charity Limited, our children are loving their extra ice time and new gear thanks to your support! We are growing New Zealand’s future Ice Fernz and Ice Blacks!