Dear Players,
We’ve been hard at work putting together the finishing touches on the 2020 AHL season and below is an update on where we are currently.
We are currently 90% full on registrations and are waiting for the last group of people to register so we can paint a clearer picture of who is on which team etc. Any players who haven’t registered yet are encouraged to do so ASAP.
The early registration payment discount has now passed, but there is still fee savings to be had if you pay any or all of your individual monthly instalment fees prior to 1 March 2020.
The schedule is currently being created based on the same teams as last season, and with them all placed in the same divisions. This is very much status quo from last season. NB: Final team numbers will depend on the total amount of people that have registered.
The schedule this season has become more complex than ever before, we appreciate your understanding with how the schedule is crafted and that sometimes there is no ice available to us. We will always do our best to minimise the length of time in between games.
Player Grading:
We have a number of new registrations to the AHL this season who are excited to get graded and be placed in teams. We are currently working through the grading process with these individuals. Along with assessing any other players who wish to move between divisions.
Season Start:
The season will kick off on Saturday 21st March with three games on at Paradice Avondale. Paradice Avondale has just had maintenance done and the lines and ice are looking fresh, crisp, and ready for puck drop – a big thank you to the team at Paradice for their hard work here.
If you have any questions, please email