We are running a Term 3 school holiday ice hockey programme for both under 12 year olds and Bantam/Junior League players. Read below to find out more information and how to register.
Want to know what we get up on during our holiday programmes? Check out the highlights from our Term 2 programme here:
Under 12: https://www.aiha.org.nz/term-2-u9-u12-holiday-programme-review/
Bantam & Junior: https://www.aiha.org.nz/term-2-bantam-junior-league-holiday-programme-review/
Under 12 Years Old Holiday Programme
Dates: Tuesday 1st, Wednesday 2nd, Thursday 3rd October 2019
Location: Avondale
Day Format:
On Ice 7:45 – 8:45am: We will start the day with a fun ice session working on all of the players individual skills.
Off ice 9:15 – 10:00am: we will work on stretching and educating the players on cool down and importance of flexibility as well as work on stick handling doing various off ice stick handling drills.
Bakery/Park 10:15 – 11:30am: We will walk to the nearby bakery where the kids can get a snack before we continue our walk to the park. The kids are given 30-40 minutes of free time.
Free Skate/Games 12:00 – 2:00pm: To end the day, if the public session isn’t too busy, we draw the net and use the end zone by the Zamboni to play a variety of games until the parents come to pick up the kids.
Pickup time is 2:00pm from Avondale ice rink.
$45.00 Per Day – Payment due on the day (no pre-payment necessary)
Food and drink is not included, so players will have to supply this themselves.
Register Here: https://forms.gle/QdMxJfzscB2FFmgG7
Bantam & Junior League Holiday Camp
Dates: Monday 7th, Tuesday 8th October 2019
Location: Avondale
Day Format:
On ice 7:45 – 8:45am: day starts on the ice with a high level skills development session in stations format. Groups will be split based on skill.
Off Ice 9:15 – 10:00am: players will be split into 2 groups. 1 group will work on flexibility and cool down stretching as well as education on pre training/pregame physical preparation. Meanwhile, the other group will work on stick handling and agility.
Classroom/video 10:15 – 11:00am: Players will receive some education on nutrition, pre game mental preparation and focus techniques and will go through a team builder challenge in small groups.
Bakery/Gym 11:15 – 1:00pm: A quick stop at the bakery before we walk to “The People’s Gym” where the players will be put through and educated on off ice sport specific circuit style training. We will highlight technique, educate on muscle groups and go over the importance of training sport specifically.
Power Skating/Games 1:00 – 2:00pm: The day will finish with the players either taking part in the public session with coach guided power skating drills or (if the public session isn’t too busy) we will draw the netting and be able to play some cross ice games.
Pickup time is 2:00pm from Avondale ice rink.
$55.00 Per Day – Payment due on the day (no pre-payment necessary)
Food and drink is not included, so players will have to supply this themselves.
Register Here: https://forms.gle/LWv9RLmKcppnHSP6A
Players of all skill levels are sure to benefit and improve over the course of the camp and will be provided with ample education covering all facets of hockey in a fun, encouraging and positive environment.
Questions/More Information:
If you have any questions about the school holiday programme, contact us via email: info@aiha.org.nz